Clariant 科莱恩色母粒(上海)有限公司

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非烯烃类聚合物用色母粒RENOL® 丽络®
Designers of today's most demanding products specify engineering resins for exceptional physical properties. RENOL masterbatches continue to answer increasingly stringent technical demands, helping to enhance productivity and optimize costs in a spectrum of applications.

Potential applications can range from electronics, transportation, power tools, packaging, consumer electronics, laminating film, automotive, sporting goods, business machines and medical devices.

Specifically formulated to maintain the critical performance criteria of tough-to-color engineering resins, technically advanced RENOL masterbatches perform reliably regardless of resin chemistry or process parameters, ensuring product integrity for long-term service in the harshest end-use environments.

Clariant 科莱恩色母粒(上海)有限公司
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