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MultiEngine MM 55 多功能园艺工具
STIHL MultiSystem: The MultiEngine -
The Heart of the system

The STIHL MultiEngine comprises a powerful drive unit and a frame which folds up quickly and compactly. The housing of impact-resistant polymer material is robust, lightweight and durable. The controls are conveniently positioned for easy operation, making the STIHL MultiSystem easy to guide and allowing you to work without tiring.

MultiEngine plus MultiToos. The all-purpose MultiSystem from STIHL soon has your garden shipshape again. Wether for tending the lawn, cultivating the soil or clearing large areas - with the STIHL MulitSystem, only one machine is needed for all the varios jobs. You alone decide what you want and need. The STIHL MultiEngine at the heart of the system can be combined with all the tailormade STIHL MultiTools - quickly and easily so that you are always ideally prepared for the job in hand.

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