Comau 柯马(上海)汽车设备有限公司

公司信息 产品/服务 公司新闻

Comau is the world leader in Body Welding and Assembly Systems for auto manufacturers and their Tier1 suppliers.

Typical requirements around which we have developed our most recent body shops include:

Flexibility: we have delivered complete body shop solutions with the capability of running four models in random sequence, with a minimum batch of one.
Time to Market: we routinely install systems that provide for the introduction of new models with reduced tooling costs and shortened interruption of current production.
Reusability: extensive use of standard products has allowed us to provide innovative financial solutions that include leasing options for our body shop systems.
Lowest Cost per Unit: our body shop solutions focus on optimizing unit production costs by incorporating workforce, floorspace, automation and logistical considerations in the development of design criteria.

Comau 柯马(上海)汽车设备有限公司
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