Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司

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Quality Assurance in Tightening

Atlas Copco provides a complete line of products for measuring torque, angle, pulses and speed within all types of assembly industry.

The ACTA 3000 enables you to perform a full range of functions, from simple torque checks to advanced graphic tightening analysis. It comes in different models to cover all your needs, and is upgradeable. The ACTA 3000 together with the Tools Talk ACTA software, is the user friendly complete quality management system! The system will automatically give you information when the tools are due for calibration. With ACTA 3000 it’s possible to have all tools, the tightening database and supplier database organized all in one place. With the ToolsTalk ACTA software and you have a complete quality management tool at your service or your complete ISO 9000 under one icon in your PC. Quality management has never been easier!

Atlas Copco provide instruments that will measure torque from 0.05 Nm up to 3.500 Nm.

Atlas Copco阿特拉斯·科普柯(上海)贸易有限公司
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