ContiTech 康迪泰克(上海)橡塑技术有限公司

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For Bogies in Modern Rail Vehicles

Axle springs can carry out three functions at once. They react to vertical jounce and loads that arise longitudinally and laterally from the influence of the rail track on the chassis while at the same time helping to decouple structure-borne noise.

Developed in collaboration with the customers to meet specific requirements, MEGI® primary suspension systems aptly tackle the complexity of wheelset guidance and bogie suspension. By assuming complete responsibility for engineering and project management, we are able to achieve economic, logistical and technical synergies.

The interaction of individual components is optimised to ensure that the system performs reliably and safely over its entire lifetime.

ContiTech 康迪泰克(上海)橡塑技术有限公司
地址:上海市南京西路338号 天安中心大厦22层
电话: 请点击此处与厂家联系

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