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低频噪音分析软件 RAYON
RAYON is a low frequency vibro-acoustic simulation software based on Boundary (BEM) and Finite Element (FEM) Methods. It includes standard BEM-FEM solvers for solving uncoupled and coupled vibro-acoustic problems, and two new advanced solvers RAYON-PEM (Porous Elastic Module) and RAYON-IBEM (Infinite Boundary Element Method) allowing simulation of trimmed vehicle components and characterization of very complex noise sources.

RAYON is fully integrated with the EDS I-deas ms 10, thanks to the graphical user interface module I-deas Vibro-Acoustics.

RAYON includes the state-of-the-art of numerical methods allowing detailed analysis of the vibro-acoustic behaviour and performance of industrial systems subjected to mechanical and/or acoustic loads.

RAYON is based on multiple solvers:

Boundary Element Module - BEM
Avoids volume meshing – only the boundaries of fluid domains are meshed with boundary elements
Leads to small sized but fully populated system-of-equations
Applicable to Internal, External or mixed Internal/External vibro-acoustic problems

Finite Element Module – FEM
Requiresvolumes and surface meshing
Leads to sparse system-of-equations
Applicable to Internal vibro-acoustic problems

Infinite Element Module – IEM
Based on the proprietary IEM Library developed by AT&T Bell Labs
Complement FEM to solve External vibro-acoustic problems
could be seen as an alternative to BEM
Applicable to External problems

Porous Elastic Module – PEM
Based on mixed modified Biot’s equations proposed by Professor Mohamed Ali Hamdi
Complement FEM to simulate wave propagation in absorbing porous-elastic components
Applicable to Internal vibro-Acoustic problems

Inverse Boundary Element Module – IBEM
Based on a Hybrid Analysis-Test (HAT) approach using near field microphone measurements combined with a robust inverse
Boundary element approach exploiting the reciprocity principle
Complement BEM to characterise radiating noise sources
Applicable to external vibro-acoustic problems

Mixed Modules – FEM/IEM or BEM/FEM or FEM/PEM
Let you take advantage of the suitable module to simulate wave propagation in multi-domains with different physical properties such as trimmed internal cavities coupled by the structure-body to an external domain
Applicable to mixed Internal/External vibro-acoustic problems

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