德国斯宾纳机床制造有限公司 (Spinner GmbH)

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TC系列 万能车床
The models of TC - Classic Line series are universal and compact CNC-Lathes of high quality specialized on small and medium number or workpieces and are usefull for bar operations as well as chucking. There are different specifications available from a standard 2-axis machine up to a turning cell with live tooling and C-axis.

Some special features are:

- Lareg working area
- Economic price
- Most features as standard
- Powerfull

德国斯宾纳机床制造有限公司 (Spinner GmbH)
地址:351 Lian Yang Road Songjiang Industrial Zone Shang
电话: 请点击此处与厂家联系

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