Jenoptik 业纳(上海)精密仪器设备有限公司

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JenLas® disk IR50 / IR70
红外盘形激光器系列的JenLas® disk IRxx脉冲长度较短,重复率较高,脉冲能量亦恒定较高。其带给用户的另一大优势便是可灵活调整激光器参数,以便找到适用于单个工艺的最佳参数组合。这就意味着,可单独调整每一个参数,如脉冲持续时间、重复率和激光功率。


JenLas® disk IRxx激光器的完美的微型材料加工解决方案,其适宜应用包括太阳能电池和金属件钻孔、微型架构、金属箔切割和碳纤维增强塑料 (CFRP) 加工。

JenLas® disk IR50 / IR70

IR disk laser, tunable pulse length
The JenLas® disk IR50 & JenLas® disk IR70 with output powers of 45 W and 65 W are Jenoptik′s disk-laser-generation for precision material processing.
The lasers allow achieving the highest quality at maximum throughput.
Product features are optimal laser parameters such as adjustable laser pulse length and independently adjustable repetition rate. The excellent beam quality in the infrared spectral range is suitable for industrial applications in photovoltaic and micro material processing, such as micro dicing, micro drilling and micro structuring.
• Solar cell processing
- EWT (Emitter Wrap Through)
- MWT (Metal Wrap Through)
- LFC (Laser Fired Contacts)
• Wafer dicing / scribing
• Microcutting (e.g. Stent cutting)
• Microstructuring
• Microdrilling
• Engraving
The unique feature of the JenLas® disk IR50 / IR70 is the decoupling of pulse length and pulse repetition rate, thus optimally adapting the required laser parameters to a given application.

• Laserparameter adjustable
• Disk laser design
• Passively-cooled diodes
• High pulse repetition rate
• Fast AOM power control

• Optimized application
• Superior beam quality over power range
• Long Life Performance
• Fast processing
• Flexible application

Jenoptik 业纳(上海)精密仪器设备有限公司
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