ContiTech 康迪泰克(上海)橡塑技术有限公司

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康迪泰克的未来技术: 用于驾驶室悬置的空气弹簧/减振器模块(LFD)

Technology of the Future from ContiTech

Each LFD consists of two or three chambers depending on the application and service conditions, and unites the functions of an air spring and damper in one single component.

Designed for use in air-sprung driver’s seats and cab suspensions, LFD technology

Geater ride comfort due to frequency-selective damping and automatic weight-related damping performance
Low wear and a long service life
Environmentally safer because damper fluid is not needed
Air is used as a medium for optimum suspension and damping performance

ContiTech 康迪泰克(上海)橡塑技术有限公司
地址:上海市南京西路338号 天安中心大厦22层
电话: 请点击此处与厂家联系

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