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钢带清理机SPCB30-60M 新型不锈钢带退伙后氧化皮清理及应力强化工艺 可利用一种连续通过式抛丸强化设备对退伙不锈钢带进行连续在线抛丸清理,让高速弹丸冲击不锈钢带的上下表面,一般采用上下两个表面根据清理速度不同各布置2-8个抛丸器。一般包括退火后预校平,抛丸清理,清扫,校平,收卷。 钢带抛丸机设备技术规范 Steel belt surface shot blast machine technology standard 1.钢带抛丸机主要用于去除钢带外表面的锈蚀及氧化皮,获得一定粗糙度的金属本色表面。 Steel steel belt shot blast machine serve as cleaning away the scale and rust,which can get the primitive surface with certain rough degree. 2.被清工件的主要参数 : Parameters of cleaned workpiece 2.1.长度(mm) :不限 Length(mm): no limitted 2.2.钢带厚度(mm):6-15 Thickness of the steel belt 6-15 2.3. 钢带宽度(mm):300 Width of the steel belt :300 3.技术特征: Technology Features: 3.1.具有一次性可以同时清理1根钢带功能。 It can clean the 1 steel steel belt at the same time . 3.2.清理速度范围:~60m/min Range of cleaning speed: ~30 m/min 3.3.抛丸器抛丸量:≥22 kg/minx6x2 Shot quantity of the impeller unit: ≥380 kg/minx6x2 3.4.抛丸器功率:≥22kWx6-2 Power of the impeller unit: ≥22kWx6x2 3.5 抛丸器数量:6台-2 Quantity of the impeller unit: 6 setsx2 3.6 提升机提升量:≥140 t/hx2 Quantity of the bucket elevator: ≥140 t/hx2 3.7 提升速度:>1.6m/s Lift speed: >1.6m/s 3.8 提升机功率 :≥7.5 kWx2 Power of the bucket elevator: ≥7.5 kWx2 3.9 分离器分离量 :≥140 t/hx2 Seperating quantity of bucket elevator: ≥140 t/hx2 3.10 分离区风速:4,000-5,000mm/s Air speed in the seperative zone: 4,000-5,000mm/s 3.11 输送器输送量:≥140t/hx2 Conveying quantity of the conveyor: ≥140t/hx2 3.12 输送器功率 :5.5 kWx2 Power of the conveyor:5.5 kWx2 3.13 总通风量 :18000 m3/h Total air quantity: 18000 m3/h 3.14 总功率:~169kWx2 Total power: ~169kWx2 3.15 抛丸用钢丸直径: 0.8-1.5mm Diameter of the shot ball : 0.8-1.5mm 3.16 最大承载能力:≥500kg Largest loading capability: ≥500kg 3.17 清理后表面质量:达到GB8923-88, A-B , Sa2.5级 Surface quality cleaned: get GB8923-88, A-B , Sa2.5 level. 3.18压缩空气总耗气量:约20m3/h Air consumption in compressed air: about 20m3/h 3.19压缩空气压力5-6kg/cm2 Pressure of compressed air: 5-6kg/cm2 3.20 设备可以手动操作和自动操作自由切换 Can manual and automatic operation and free switch each other 3.21 进出料输送辊道 Conveying roller track for charging and discharging 3.22辊子最大承载 500 kg/m Max. roller load of even distribution 500 kg/m 3.23辊面高度 1200mm Height of roller surface 1200mm 3.26辊子直径φ100 Roller dia , φ100 3.27辊子材质圆钢 roller materialround stock 3.28辊子规范GB/T8163-1999 Specification GB/T8163-1999 3.29护套材质 高铬 Protective casing sheath material high chrome |
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