STMicroelectronics 意法半导体(上海)有限公司

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STB21NK50Z - 针对混合动力汽车牵引应用的新型高电压功率 MOSFET

With fuel costs constantly increasing, the most attractive and challenging alternative to combustion engines for automotive designers is the hybrid electric vehicle (HEV). ST can now provide effective solutions for DC-DC conversion in HEVs capable of combining two or more sources of energy/fuel and electric power. The energy to recharge the battery is derived from quick acceleration, or from the breaking energy.
The newly introduced STB21NK50Z takes advantage of the well consolidated Zener protected SuperMESH™ technology to provide enhanced reliability characteristics in innovative hybrid vehicles.

Key Features
6 kV ESD at human body model
Very good dv/dt
Standard threshold drive
1.5 V max spread of threshold voltage
150 °C operating temperature
100% avalanche tested
RDS(on) x area reduction
Automotive grade device
Good figure of merit capabilities
Consolidated SuperMESH technology
Cost effectiveness – no external features required

STMicroelectronics 意法半导体(上海)有限公司
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