
SURFCAM V5.2 Beta Released 3/5/2011
Camarillo, CA - March 2, 2011 - Surfware, Inc. announced this week that the beta version of its flagship CAM software, SURFCAM V5.2, has been completed and is being made available to SURFCAM Beta Users and Resellers worldwide.
SURFCAM V5.2, the latest release in the V5 Series of SURFCAM CAD/CAM Systems is on schedule as the next release of SURFCAM to follow SURFCAM V5.1, which was released in August 2010. The SURFCAM V5 Series was launched in February 2010 starting with the introduction of SURFCAM V5.0.
Some of the new features and functionality in beta SURFCAM V5.2 are new HSM Z-Roughing strategies, additional STL geometry capabilities for rough machining and stock calculations, adaptive slicing, a new SPost interface, enhanced Mill/Turn mode, optimized toolpath verification & machine simulation, updated CAD translators, plus much more.
"The majority of the features and enhancements in this upcoming release of SURFCAM continues to be functionality that our users and customers are requesting from us," says Peter Marton, Vice President of Surfware. ''The commitment to provide our customers with maximum functionality, coupled with ease of use, at an attractive price will always be at the forefront of our business."
About Surfware, Inc.
Surfware, Inc., the developer of SURFCAM CAD/CAM systems and the award-winning TRUEMill technology, provides world class solutions for today's manufacturing challenges. Surfware is dedicated to continuous innovation and development of new technologies that increase customers' machining productivity and profitability. Surfware's goals are to provide top-quality technology, customer service and world class solutions that allow its customers to gain a competitive edge in a changing global marketplace.

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