
CNC Software Unveils Mastercam Router X5 11/20/2010
Tolland, CT - CNC Software announces the release of Mastercam Router X5. Mastercam Router X5 continues the trend of faster and more efficient programming with new enhancements that will keep your shop ahead of the competition. Automatic Toolpathing improvements and block drill support combine with new enhancements in a package intended to improve shop floor productivity.
Automatic Toolpathing (ATP)
Mastercam includes an Automatic Toolpathing option which can read in entire projects and have them automatically programmed using presets that you choose. Mastercam Router X5 includes several improvements to ATP, including expanded customizability and streamlined operation.
Block Drill Support
To minimize tool change, Feature Based Machining (FBM) Drill now recognizes block drill units that are configured in the active Router machine definition. FBM Drill can assign block drill tools and generate block drilling toolpaths.
Importing Solids
In Mastercam Router X5, both Rectangular and TrueShape Nesting support solid operations, including operations created by FBM toolpaths. FBM parent operations, however, are not yet supported.
Other new enhancements include:
- Feature Based Machining (FBM) improvements
- WCS support for ATP single part processing
- Smart hybrid finishing and hybrid leftover machining
- Multiaxis improvements
For more information on Mastercam Router X5, please visit

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