AGMA 艾格玛机床科技有限公司

公司信息 产品/服务 公司新闻

AGMA builds quality CNC machines for sophisticated industrial uses, such as Mold & Die, electronic components, and the aerospace industry. Each machine is built with innovative design, rigorous assembling, and stringent quality control processes. All machines are in compliance with CE & EMC regulations. Mar. 6, 2003 we just got ISO9001: 2000 Certification.

At the first year, our company is only with capital of USD 840,000.00 and the turnover of USD2, 720,000.00, but now we have 41 employees with the capital of USD 5,700,000.00 and the turnover of USD9, 2.80,000.00. You can see how fast growing we are. Due to our principal of always selling the top quality machines and offer the superb after sales service, we have got the very good reputation among the Mold & Die, Electronic Companies and the Aerospace Industry in Taiwan in the very short time. And started from 1998, our machines also sold to Japan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, Italy, Belgium, Turkey, India, Mexico, Korea, and Israel and got the very good reputation rapidly. Now our yearly production is about 200-230 sets.

AGMA 艾格玛机床科技有限公司
地址:Zhuang-qian Road, Shengang Hsiang,
电话: 请点击此处与厂家联系

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