
公司信息 产品/服务 公司新闻

深圳市森斯特电子有限公司位于中国深圳,是一家专业从事传感器、变送器设计、开发、销售的高科技企业,为国内外广大用户提供最具性价比的高、中档自动化产品。在机械,制冷、电力、石油、卫生、环保、水处理、冶金、食品加工、暖通空调等领域大量应用。主要产品为:PT100铂电阻温度传感器, PT1000 铂电阻温度传感器, K,J,T,S,E 型热电偶温度传感器, NTC 热敏电阻温度传感器, DS18B20数字温度传感器,温度变送器, 温控仪, 以及各式温度传感器封装配件:德国进口UST/贺利氏(Heraeus)PT100/PT1000铂电阻元件,304,316L不锈钢保护管, 螺纹螺母, 感温线缆。公司产品具有工艺先进、技术成熟、性能可靠、稳定性好,精度高、寿命长、性价比高等特点 ,性能指标达到国外同类产品技术标准,可替代OMEGA , JUMO 等进口产品。
Shenzhen Senster Electronics Co. Ltd is specializing in manufacturing an extensive variety of state-of-the-art RTD(Resistance Temperature Detectors) probes as well as Type K,J,T,E,S thermocouples, NTC thermistors and assemblies. Our products are used in industries ranging from automotive, consumer electronics, food handling and processing to medical electronics, medical, building automation,testmeasurement,wind power. Customers worldwide use our temperature sensors in their most demanding temperature sensing applications.
We also provide Germany #160;UST/Heraeus PT#160;components such as #160;PT100A, PT100B, PT100 1/3B, PT1000A,PT1000B,PT200,PT20, PT500.
All of our products are known for their consistent high reliability, cost effectiveness and durability. We are continually examining and improving our engineering, production and service operations to meet constantly changing customer requirements. And we offer the most impressive lead times in the industry
We can help you develop, and then manufacture products that works with your product. What you need to do is provide a sample, a drawing, even an idea , then we can provide you the products that you exactly need.#160;
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