Perfect Finish GmbH

公司信息 产品/服务 公司新闻

Perfect Finish GmbH was founded in 2005 by Maria Loula and Jörg Praks, who had been involved in abrasive flow machining technology for 20 years. The company is today one of the market leaders in the field of deburring and surface technology. Currently we have 31 employees in Remseck. In the field of contract manufacturing, we produce on a total of 2,500 sqm of production area with 18 abrasive flow machines, 13 vibratory finishing machines and a total of 2 finishing lines.

Perfect Finish GmbH
地址:Max-Eyth-Straße D-71686 Remseck-Aldingen
电话: 请点击此处与厂家联系

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