Duplo 得宝公司

公司信息 产品/服务 公司新闻

Duplo International provides finishing and printing equipment to all types of print operations across Europe, the Middle East and Africa enabling them to become more successful and to create new opportunities in their markets they serve.

The company vision statement declares that this is about ‘enabling our customers to turn paper into great communication’. This drives development of a complete range of products for finishing print in the most effective, profitable and quality-focused way possible.

Duplo International is the EMEA sales and distribution arm of Duplo Corporation in Japan. It handles sales and distribution of products that are manufactured to strict quality control and environmental standards at plants in Japan and China. It has a network of distributors, many of whom it has long-standing relationships with, in 108 countries and operates a direct sales operation in four: the UK, France, Italy and Poland.

Duplo 得宝公司
地址:Unit C5 Sandown Industrial Estate Mill Road Esher
电话: 请点击此处与厂家联系

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