
Mistaken idea one.onlvseeina the Power.does not see frequency.
When standard comPonent,fastener,elc.are complelely hot,when heating the diameter of the work Piece and is greater thanΦ60mm,should choose intermediate frequency apparatus,can lead to the fact with high frequency machine Work Piece"cook,flow"butinside"evll mind"still at this moment (cornmonlv called as,"burn completely"),not only apparalus efficiency qive a areat discount,can reduce mould life-span even lead to the fact the mould to be damaged,the cost increases,but does not know the reason virtually.
Mistaken idea two,only seeing and exporting,does not see input.
Neglect apparatus effciency and power consumptive factor,just find it is"electric tiger"after buying the apparatus back,awkward situation causing affording,can't afford to use.For example likewise 80 machines,but one is input power 80KVA,one is output power 80KW,but apparatus working efficiency differs significantly,can even finish,heat,require,it is complained incessantly by users but power consumptive big.
The input power of apparatus of outputting 80KW was up to 120KVA unexpectedly.
Mistaken idea three,only seelng the type,not seeing the Power.
For example import the apparatus single-phasely to electric current 120A and input power 120KVA to lump together,referred to as 120 machines,cause and buy back,just find real power just 80KVA,so bright as to qain extra advantage by unfair means,has suffered a loss secretly actually. 6/18/2009

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