
Dassault Systèmes
Innovation is the number –one business priority for most CEOs today because it drives revenue and margin growth.
Making innovation a reality is not just about designing new products; it’s about maximizing your company’s intellectual assets to drive innovative thinking, strategic planning, and “lean” processes every day. How can your organization make sure it achieves these critical goals?
Distributed enterprises must fi nd a way to bring their key people together in a “virtual” environment where knowledge can be accessed and shared and ideas can fl ow freely. Unfortunately, there are serious obstacles to overcome. Human and IT resources are stretched to the breaking point just trying to manage the ever-changing demands of development teams, suppliers and partners scattered around the globe – all using different systems, tools and languages. At the same time, market segmentation and customization are increasing the volume and complexity of requirements and new product introductions (NPI), while market windows continue to shrink.
As a result, product recalls are up, quality is down, and margins are slipping. Enterprise stakeholders – from engineering to fi nance to the shop fl oor – are drowning in a sea of data, wasting valuable time trying to fi nd, share and reuse the exact contextual information they need to work together and move the project forward. Without it, collaboration is unproductive, decision making is diffi cult, and “innovation” is merely a marketing buzz word.
While on-demand collaboration is critical to keeping pace with market demands, it is too often a fragmented or, at best, a linear process. In spite of advanced tools and technologies, functional silos persist because the information requirements and best practices of departments and disciplines are unique and must be maintained. However, in an overheated environment where millions of dollars may be riding on the collective intelligence of your key people, problems can’t wait while they search databases, toggle applications and juggle schedules to make decisions. Clearly, this is not the path to preventing recalls, reducing downtime – or creating the next “killer category” of products.
It’s a problem in urgent need of a solution, because the ability of your organization to respond quickly and strategically to change may hold the key to success – even survival – in today’s marketplace. So how do you bring these critical-path contributors together to increase the quality and speed of decision making? We know that simply aggregating information is not enough. You must address the “contextual” challenge by converging intellectual property (IP) from a maze of sources and disciplines without losing the unique information each person needs to make good decisions. Imagine the business impact of giving users real-time access to the full range of your enterprise product knowledge – from granular design elements to product lifecycle information (PLM) – in a single, secure collaborative online environment. Well, it’s real, it’s here, and it’s easy – using the universal language of 3D!
3DLive – Bring your IP to Life
3DLive is a lightweight application that introduces a breakthrough 3D paradigm for on-line collaborative intelligence, leveraging your company’s unique enterprise 3D and PLM information. 3DLive brings intellectual property (IP) to life in a single, immersive interface that connects the people, processes and products that drive your business.


By combining the universal language of 3D with advanced indexing and search tools, barriers to information sharing and collaboration disappear, and everything from design program updates to supplier meetings to last-minute shop fl oor changes becomes as fast and easy as surfing the Web.


3D Search! Download and install…with the 3DLive toolbar in your browser you can fi nd data and projects, query indexed databases, and check for dependencies and impacts in minutes instead of hours.

With just a click of the mouse, you’re immersed in a visually rich, real-time environment where you can meet online with “virtual” teams and communities to search, navigate, chat and collaborate on any aspect of your product-related programs, no matter what the system or source. And 3DLive doesn’t care what department or discipline you’re in – you create your virtual sessions according to your current business needs. The ultimate goal of 3D Live is to optimize your company’s unique knowledge environment so that people get the contextual information they need to be productive and innovative – no matter what their job, language, or location. Here’s how!
Bring Engineering and the Enterprise Together with 3DLive!
3D Live − the new paradigm for online collaboration − provides a real-time, immersive PLM environment where stakeholders can search, navigate, work and collaborate on any or all aspects of your PLM programs, no matter what the system or source.
3DLive Key Business Benefi ts:
- Effortlessly connect all knowledge stakeholders to enterprise IP and to each other.
- Accelerate product searches while ensuring accurate and up-todate results
- Quickly navigate, browse and intuitively access the full product definition
- Easy to use, highly effi cient and in-context collaboration

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3D Navigate!

3D Live Connectors
3DLive is a lightweight application that can leverage your current PDM or PLM system, and any combination of Dassault Systèmes PLM products − from CATIA to ENOVIA to DELMIA − to maximize the return on your corporate IP investment.
To maximize fl exibility, 3DLive leverages an adaptive Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and standardsbased Web Services to ensure smooth integration and deliver rich functionality and information when and where it’s needed.


3D Contextual Buddy List provides role-based access to current information,
connecting you with all the people related to your context or project.

3DLive utilizes out-of-the box Live Connector products to access context-rich PLM data sources. Providing direct access to PLM information in ENOVIA and DELMIA repositories, 3DLive effortlessly connects engineering, manufacturing and enterprise knowledge stakeholders, suppliers, and managers to information and to each other, accelerating problem resolution while improving downstream planning and resource management. The Live Connectors make searching PLM product and program across all lifecycle phases, providing actionable results that stakeholders can use − with no waiting or costly downtime.
ENOVIA Live Connectors enable secure, scalable connections to ENOVIA MatrixOne, ENOVIA SmarTeam and ENOVIA VPLM V5 VPM and ENOVIAVPM data sources from 3DLive for ENOVIA. The DELMIA – Live PPR Navigator and Connector delivers process and digital manufacturing information from the enterprise directly into 3DLive for DELMIA, increasing the power of 3DLive to reduce downstream errors and rework and drive design for manufactutring excellence.
Live Applications
3DLive includes a portfolio of secure Live Applications for specialized PLM functions and processes. Included in the portfolio of Live Application products are solutions that provide: advanced collaboration capabilities for design reviews; comprehensive access to manufacturing process planning, engineering product information and related work instructions; the use of Functional Tolerancing and Annotation data associated with the 3D product model.
DELMIA – Live Shop Floor Review enables comprehensive access to manufacturing process planning, engineering product information and work instruction to the factory, letting shop fl oor personnel view the 3D process and associated work instructions for effi cient operator training, problem resolution, and production execution.
DELMIA – Live Shop Floor Review delivers current, accurate work instructions based on actual PPR (Product, Process and Resource) data, allowing shop fl oor users to view 3D work instructions in conjunction with 3D simulations. Users can interactively navigate production processes step-by-step or jump ahead to different phases to evaluate related work instructions in an immersive text window or view alternative shop fl oor simulations.


3D Compass guides you through your 3D PLM universe, easily controlling what you see and where you go with a simple mouse click.
3D Heads-up enables dynamic chat, 3D image-sharing, co-navigation, and annotation!


With DELMIA – Live Shop Floor Review, your organization will dramatically reduce the amount of guesswork and number of errors caused by ambiguous instructions or out-of-date product data, thus ensuring the highest level of productivity on the shop fl oor and reducing time-to-volume cycles.
DELMIA – Live Shop Floor Review:
- Provides accurate, up-to-date process information, work instructions and operator training for the shop fl oor.
- Provides effi cient and easy 3D navigation of work instructions, processes, and associated step-based simulations.
- Provides rapid identifi cation of all related products, FT&A, and resources for a particular manufacturing process
CATIA – Live Functional Tolerancing and Annotation (FT&A) Review enhances understanding and improves decision making by providing early and direct insight into dimensioning and tolerancing annotations, geometrical elements and features, and the relationships between elements. The CATIA – Live FT&A Review application displays the FT&A annotations and gives users the ability to query or fi lter the annotations according to their requirements so they can quickly find and leverage specifi c 3D product model data. Available with any 3DLive confi guration (CATIA – 3DLive, DELMIA – 3DLive and ENOVIA – 3DLive), CATIA – Live Functional Tolerancing and Annotation Review eliminates the need for 2D drawings, increasing both the speed and quality of processes outside of engineering that require 3D information but do not use CAD authoring tools.


CATIA – Live FT&A Review:
- Provides direct access to tolerancing and annotation information associated with the 3D product model.
- Provides accurate and easy search and fi ltering capabilities directly on FT&A data.
- Provides rapid identifi cation of all FT&A information, improving the quality and speed of downstream data and processes.
ENOVIA – Live Collaborative Review adds robust collaborative review capabilities to the powerful search, visualize and navigate paradigm delivered in 3DLive. Providing out-of-the box support for CATIA – 3D Live, DELMIA – 3DLive, the Live Collaborative Review solution increases your business agility by supporting design reviews anytime, anywhere people need specifi c product information to make decisions and drive downstream activities.
ENOVIA – Live Collaborative Review delivers annotated views, 3D measurements, and 3D cross sections for collaborative studies and presentations. ENOVIA – Live Collaborative Review facilitates collaboration among all team members involved in reviews and inspections, shedding real-time insight on criteria impacting decisions − helping teams across your development enterprise make better decisions faster, improving both top- and bottom line revenues. It also delivers annotated views, 3D measurements, and 3D cross sections to collaborative studies and presentations that require precise 3D information in addition to the easy, intuitive navigation, examination and collaboration available in the base 3DLive confi gurations for CATIA, DELMIA and ENOVIA.
But what about innovation – the most elusive business goal of all? From day one, 3DLive will place your key people in the driver’s seat of a virtual “what if” machine! How? It is the only collaborative environment where technical and non-technical stakeholders can fi nd everything they need to generate, share and capitalize on innovative ideas, solutions, and products in an on-demand 24/7 world. 3DLive provides a “virtual window” into the workings of your product development enterprise, guiding key contributors to theexact projects, people, and data they need with just a few clicks of the mouse. Using 3DLive, the quality and speed of decision making accelerate dramatically, saving time and money, and taking your organization to the next level of performance! That’s the power of collaborative intelligence!


CEO’s Take Notice! Don’t confuse 3DLive with traditional dashboards, workspaces or document-based portals. While they can be accessed through 3D Live, it provides much more value to your key people and your business. Now that you’ve “taken the tour”, you can see that 3DLive provides a “virtual window” into the workings of your product development enterprise, guiding key contributors to the exact projects, people, and data they need with just a few clicks of the mouse. Using 3DLive, the quality and speed of decision making will accelerate dramatically, saving time and money, while taking your organization to the next level of performance!
3DLive is real and it’s here. The next click is yours…. 5/29/2007

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