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某微型客车结构耐撞性改进设计 | |
清华大学 宋正超 孔凡忠 张金换 黄世霖 | |
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关键词:微型客车 结构耐撞性 改进设计 有限元法
Improvement Design on a Type of Minibus’S Frontal Crashworthness
Song Zhengchao, Kong Fanzhong, Zhang Jinhuan, Huang Shilin
State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University
[Abstract] A frontal impact test of a type of minibus indicated that the deformation of its frontal part was too large which led the frontal doors to be unopenable. Basing on a mass of simulations, this paper presented an optimality design, which improved the assembly of frame and frontal floor, and adjusted the welding techniques and weld point distribution. The impact test of the improved design indicated that the deformation of the frontal part reduced about 50mm, the frontal doors were openable normally after the impact test, and the frontal crashworthiness of this minibus was improved to meet the requirement of the Safety Regulation.
Key words: frame deformation improvement frontal impact simulation
1 引言
在汽车结构耐撞性方面,为满足汽车正面碰撞法规,通常将汽车的乘员区设计为具有足够的变形刚度和强度,而将汽车前部设计有保证一定的许可变形量。如果变形量太小,也就是结构太“硬”,将产生较大的加速度峰值,对乘员约束系统产生较大的压力;如果变形量太大,也就是结构太“软”,将使A 立柱和乘员空间受到挤压。一方面容易造成车门变形严重,在碰撞时自动打开,或者在碰撞后无法正常开启,另一方面容易使方向盘和仪表板的后移量过大,对乘员产生较大的伤害。因此在正面碰撞过程中,前端吸能区变形量必须得到很好的控制,同时也要保证变形区发生持续稳定变形并且不产生较大的加速度峰值。
2 原车的正面碰撞试验的关键问题
某微型客车在经过正面碰撞试验后,发现车身前部变形量过大,导致以下两个方面的后果:一是挤压A 立柱,使之产生较严重的变形,从而导致碰撞后两个前门均无法正常打开;二是乘员空间受到挤压,假人的伤害指标超标。碰撞后的情况如图1 所示。 (图片) (图片) (图片) (图片) (图片) (图片) (图片) | |
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